Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations Tony Burke says Labor is “determined to close” the labour-hire “loophole” which lets employees pay the casual workers less than their permanent colleagues in the same “rubbish conditions”. “One of the workers I met with had only recently become a permanent employee at the company,” Mr Burke said during Question Time on Tuesday. “He’d worked for ten years as a labour-hire employee – now he didn’t blame the company for this, he said it’s all over the industry. “One of the things he said to me … he said, ‘it’s a bit ridiculous like I was doing the same jobs as the person I was working beside with rubbish conditions and being paid less’. “Now this is because of a labour-hire loophole where in this industry the casuals – doing the exact same work don’t just lose security, they’re even on a lower hourly rate than the permanent workers they’re working beside.”

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