Mark Zuckerberg changing Facebook's name to 'Meta' is an attempt to direct attention away from all the investigations the company has had into its operations this last year, according to Cypress College's Professor Peter Matthews. "It was one of the worst years for Facebook as far as PR goes," Prof Matthews told Sky News Australia. "And he's now trying to come up with something called a Metauniverse, the Metaverse." The 'metaverse' is a shared 3D virtual space whereby, according to Mr Zuckerberg, users will be able to "teleport instantly as a hologram to be at the office without a commute, at a concert with friends, or in your parents’ living room to catch up", he wrote in a letter announcing Facebook's rebranding to Meta. "I'm not even sure what's that all about other than distract people from the real issues of the day," Prof Matthews said. "We should be focusing on the real world and what's going on right now, as challenging enough to be lost in some metaverse."

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