Caravel Minerals ASX CVV identifies new zones mineralisation Bindi copper deposit Western Australia

New assays from infill drilling at Caravel Minerals’ (ASX: CVV) Bindi copper deposit in Western Australia have shown wide zones of higher-grade mineralisation consistent with previous wider-spaced exploration.

Drilling of 23 reverse circulation holes into the Bindi East and Bindi Hinge areas during July resulted in significant mineralised intersections at 0.15% copper and 0.3% copper cut-off grades.

Best assays included 44 metres at 0.41% copper from 94m to 138m; 68m at 0.31% copper from 28m to 96m; 42m at 0.25% copper from 102m to 144m; 50m at 0.31% copper from 94m to 144m; and 44m at 0.43% copper from 28m to 72m, including 24m at 0.62% from 28m to 52m.

Assays from the Bindi Hinge zone confirmed consistent higher grades previously reported for the area, with broad intervals grading more than 0.3% copper from within the starter pit.

The highest grades occurred in this zone at the point where the West Limb and East Limb targets meet which is interpreted as a northwest plunging fold closure.

Latest results confirm the wide zones of significantly higher grade have good continuity between holes and across a number of sections, allowing high confidence in the resources for this area.

Hole spacing

Infill drilling achieved a hole spacing of 50m x 50m in select parts of the Bindi Southeast Synform, Bindi East Limb and Bindi Hinge zone.

Outside of these select areas, the spacing was closer to 100m x 50m.

All infill holes were drilled to a set depth of 150m, and were extended in some cases.

Caravel said the close-spaced drilling provides greater confidence in the resource estimate for these areas which have potential to be mined as starter pits providing higher-grades and lower strip-ratios in the early mining schedule.

Diamond tail

One diamond core rig remains on site to drill a diamond tail into the down plunge extension of the Bindi Southeast Synform.

The hole finished in mineralisation at 318m, having intersected 202m at 0.31% copper from 116m.

The diamond tail will complete the wide-spaced deep drill coverage of Bindi East Limb as well as testing the Southeast Synform position.

Dasher drilling

This month, Caravel’s diamond core rig will also complete preliminary geotechnical drilling for site infrastructure investigations before moving to a diamond core program at the nearby Dasher prospect.

Drilling at Dasher will test the continuity of higher-grade mineralisation in the footwall position and test the primary Dasher mineralised zone along strike and at depth.

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