Treasurer Josh Frydenberg says while Australia's economy has "taken a hit" with Delta, he is confident it will bounce back after vaccination rates are achieved. "What I'm really pleased about, is that, the economy, despite everything that's been thrown at it, despite the fact that we've faced the greatest economic shock since the Great Depression, our economy has been very resilient," Mr Frydenberg told Sky News Australia. He said the nation has "thrown the kitchen sink" at its response by supporting the economy through initiatives such as JobKeeper, JobSeeker and other financial programs. "We have adopted a full-court press with the economy over the last 20 months, over the course of the pandemic, and it did see Australia have one of the strongest recoveries in the world, pre-Delta," he said. "We've obviously taken a hit with Delta, but as these restrictions are eased and we get to those vaccination rates, I'm confident that our economy will come back strongly again."

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