The global smartphone market has grown by more than 28 per cent year on year with Samsung coming out on top after a big first quarter, according to Tech Guide Editor Stephen Fenech. “It has shown that we’ve bounced back in terms of our smartphone reliance because we’re very mobile, a lot of us working remotely … and having the latest smartphone has become very important for customers,” he said. Samsung had a 29 per cent increase after releasing their Galaxy S21 in the first quarter of 2021. “Number two again was Apple, they had an even bigger result, they had a more than 46 per cent increase year on year,” Mr Fenech told Sky News. “They’re still riding high on the iPhone 12 launch from late last year, in fact iPhone took away a lot of the premium sales that Samsung would normally claim. “The other brand that really has shot up the ranks is a Chinese brand called Xiaomi, they do sell products here in Australia, they’re very big in the US and China especially. “They had a 78 per cent increase year on year”.

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